Review of Debra Spencer's poetry
by J. Zimmerman

Buy 'Pomegranate' Four poems from Pomegranate have been featured on Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac on National Public Radio.

Buy Pomegranate (2004) however is easiest for you:

  1. Ask your local book store to order this book of glorious poems.
  2. Check out current instructions at the Hummingbird Press web site.
  3. Buy Pomegranate at Amazon

See Hummingbird Press poets:

Debra Spencer's Pomegranate

The things about Spencer's poems that I admire the most are that:

Four sections:

At the end, the only sorrows are that this book did not include one of my favorite of her poems: "I Write From Tibet". And that she has not yet published her follow-up book — which hopefully will include "I Write From Tibet".

This is a very fine book and we urge our readers to obtain their own copy.

How to Ordering your copy

You can buy Pomegranate (ISBN 0-9716373-5-0, 104 pages, $12.00, Hummingbird Press) as follows:

  1. Ask your local book store to order this book of glorious poems. Available in stores October 20, 2003.
  2. Order directly by e-mail to Hummingbird Press.

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